The future of executive space

Meet Up reflects a move away from the traditional executive environment, becoming less and less individual and more and more meeting-centred, with a newfound vocation for all that is functional, essential and ecological, thanks to the use of sustainable and recyclable materials.

New values to be integrated into our experience of spaces

The metal-based table incorporates a counterweighted height-adjustment mechanism that means it is even more environmentally friendly and can be repositioned within a space hassle-free.

Measuring up to any situation

Meeting table
Lift up table
Drawer unit

Functional, essential vocation

With their highly iconic character, the fixed and adjustable meeting tables blur the differences between executive, meeting and operative spaces, consolidating the concept of hybridised spaces. The decor reproduces the veining of marble in two different colourways: Calacatta and Noir.

Electric height-adjustment mechanism in a doored compartment

Pure essentiality

The raised edge of Meet Up cabinets makes for easy opening. The handle-free aesthetic enhances the purity of the units, in tune with a philosophy of universality and shared spaces.

Fixed base

Adjustable with counterweight

Adjustable with electric mechanism


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